

Transfer / Rebooking Requests

You want to change or correct your booking or can’t find your ticket anymore? Please contact the support of our new ticketing portal via the following link.

Please note: An attendee swap can now be requested independently online (without contacting the Ticketing Customer Support). Please read the FAQ section “I AM REGISTERED BUT CANNOT PARTICIPATE. WHAT CAN I DO?” for detailed instructions.

Other Requests (only!)

Use the contact form below to get in touch with our local customer support team! Simply provide your personal details and the reason for contacting us. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note that you will have to pick an Event Region in order to see all other fields. For questions about an event in a region that is not selectable in the contact form, please contact the Customer Service Team of the respective region directly. All regional email addresses can be found here.